Welcome to Moccasin
Moccasin can thank its existence to the city of San Francisco. In fact, this is a little piece of San Francisco
because that city's Hetch Hetchy power and water project is here and so are city employees who work for that
project. Here in Moccasin you'll see an old power plant--and a nearby upgraded facility still very much in
operation. You'll see the massive water pipes that drop from the top of Priest Grade to the turbines below. These
turbines continue to generate electricity to distant San Francisco and other bay area communities. The water
comes deep from the Sierra including a piece of Yosemite Park.
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Moccasin is also home of a fish hatchery operated by the California Department of Fish and Game. Mesh
nets keep birds away from the millions of fish raised here. For years, there were no nets and, strangely enough,
birds didn't bother the fish. Then, several years ago, the birds suddenly realized the easy pickin's. That's when
Fish & Game officials realized they needed the nets.